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In the year in which we celebrate 18 years of existence, many changes are happening, new challenges, new office in Itajai, new products, new hires... always aiming for growth, improvement in our services to our partners and evolution. With the aim of taking our company to another level, we decided that it would be time to make some more changes, which will enable structural and functional improvement, giving an even more international and broader connotation to the company, since we operate globally, but also in domestic markets. The main change is the evolution and change of the name LPexport to LPartners International. In terms of structure, we currently have offices in Dubai, Brazil and Hong Kong. We are now starting a new operation in Uruguay, aiming to speed up our transactions. LPexport will continue to exist until the migration of the entire operation is absorbed by LPartners International, thus aiming for a complete transition.


Opening of our newest office in Itajaí Brazil, marks another important milestone in our ongoing history of success.


We expanded our product portfolio and explored new sourcing origins, achieving sales to our 80th country destination.


Following the pandemic and also by geopolitical tensions caused by conflicts between some countries, the international market faced new restrictions and uncertainties.


The pandemic's impacts brought some significant changes and challenges, potentially affecting long-term economic and societal dynamics. Through serious and dedicated work, strategically focusing on the trade market, the company successfully managed to surpass the challenges.


At the beginning of the year, when business recovery was projected, driven by the resumption of purchases by China, the Coronavirus outbreak occurs, which has been worrying, not only for the market itself, but for the loss of lives that is occurring, and the danger of this virus spread to other regions. The company decided to focus on the beef sector with a new project that became successful in the coming years.


The trade war between the United States and China, affected business in all markets, due to the instability created. We had to adjust to this and other turbulences, looking for new ways of doing business; we strengthened relationships with our real partners, with the aim of minimizing the consequences that have occurred throughout the past year.


The truckers' strike stops the whole country and seriously harms the overall economy. All this leads the company to reorganize its operation and strengthen its corporate identity as part of a more effective communication with the market.


Operation "Carne Fraca" damages the image of the Brazilian meat and the country suffers the negative influence throughout the sector. Several markets bans and commercial barriers are imposed, meaning that several years of hard work had been wasted. Even with all the obstacles, various partnerships strengthen and solidify.


China becomes the third largest pork importer from Brazil and the second largest of chicken. Russia and Ukraine increase their exports.


In January, LPartners increase businesses of Pork products with a new project to different destinations.


The business operations of Chicken are intensified, counting on with other origins of South America products.


China´s representative office moves from Shenzhen to Hong Kong on March 28 this year.


The company grows reaching 50th country destination.


New markets are achieved, such as the Americas, the Caribbean, Africa, and Japan.


The number of business partners grows significatively and opportunities emerge with suppliers from other countries.


The expansion of the operations continues, and a representative office is opened in Shenzhen, China, on September 09, 2009.


A year marked by the economic and world crisis. The shortage of credit causes the breach of contracts and renegotiation of prices. With persistence and tact, the company continues to be strengthened.


LP Brasil Ltda starts operating on February 6, 2007, in Itajaí-SC, Brazil. New partner Luciano Colonetti promotes the entry into markets such as CIS and Russia.


Luiz Pedro Bertuol founds the LP EXPORT DMCC on May 20, 2006 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Sourcing Manager
CIS, East Europe and Russia
South America
Middle East